Learning outcomes

The GHE Program is a 30-credit master’s program in Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis (ELPA). The curriculum is designed to emphasize both international and American higher education aspects, both practice and research oriented contents​, so that our students will ​be absolutely competent and confident regardless their careers goals.

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

  • Identify and analyze trends, issues, and challenges pertaining to international higher education in the lens of equity and inclusion;
  • Understand various aspects of study abroad program portfolio management; study abroad advising, and study abroad program promotion and marketing;
  • Critically and creatively discuss practices, issues, challenges, and opportunities surrounding international student advising, international student services, and international student career services;
  • Understand student services profession and student development theories that inform practice in student affairs;
  • Collect, interpret, synthesize, or use research literature to address problems in student affairs or advising college students;
  • Choose or develop appropriate assessment tools for assessing educational processes and outcomes in academic programs, student services, and institutions;
  • Develop an understanding of a broad range of contemporary topics and pressing questions concerning community college​ students in a global context;
  • Design inclusive, equity-driven international education programming or research projects;
  • Develop competence of self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-care.